Aurora is the founder of the Turinela olive fields and the one who knows the most about them. She can tell you every type of olive tree we have, what kind of taste it gives and when it will be ready. She likes to play by the rules on certain things, like making sure each olive is exactly 6m away from its neighbor, ensuring their roots have enough space and sun. However, she uses her heart to make the most important decisions, like selecting which trees will make it into that year's special edition extra virgin olive oil. Aurora is the brains of this family farm. Her excel sheets keep us running like a well oiled machine.
Marijo, Aurora's husband, takes care of most of the heavy lifting around the olive field. He is an expert at using the handheld electric tree harvester. Additionally, he is the one to spray the olives with much needed nutrients. Nowadays, he drives a nice tractor to do it, but in the beginning it was a backpack of olive food and a lot of love that got it done. Marijo helps our olives thrive and grow, so that every year we can look forward to a more fruitful harvest.
Filip is the newest protégé for the handheld electric tree harvester, but it's not his favorite job. Aurora's son, Filip, has found his passion in cooking. He is the man behind all the food related photos on our social media. One might argue that his job is the most important - keeping everyone else fueled and happy. Filip has made exquisite charcuterie boards, wonderful risottos, picture perfect omelets, and many, many more. If you find yourself in our olive field, don't miss the opportunity to taste his creations, which are perfectly complemented by our olive oil.
Helena is always easy to spot, with blue hair and tattoos, she tends to stand out in the small village of Mali Turini, where our olive field is located. Aurora's daughter is currently studying in the Netherlands, so she can't spend as much time in the olive fields as the rest of the family. However, she makes up for it by using her time to manage our social media. Helena likes to create fun images and videos, having fun with the oil and olives. And don't worry, she wouldn't miss out on the harvest - that's where the best photo opportunities happen. In her spare time, she is usually messaging the rest of the family, asking them to take more photos and videos of our beautiful olive fields.
Bruna, or as we call her, Nona, is Aurora's mom. She is exactly what you'd imagine an amazing grandma to be. She always makes sure there is enough food, and that no one is cold. In addition, Bruna prefers to hand pick olives, so the care of the youngest trees is in her hands. As she is retired, she spends a lot of time helping out in the olive fields, from the planting of the newest trees to their harvest - she has done it all. When she's not busy with the olive trees, Bruna is usually caring for one of her six grandchildren.
Nono Jakov, picture here with his daughter Aurora, is our expert on all things garden and farming. The field in which the olives were planted was passed down through his family, so he has grown up caring for these lands. He has had a fruitful garden for many years and produces his own wine. Jakov's tips and tricks, as well as his community and their knowledge, made all the difference when our olives were young and before we gathered our own knowledge of olive growing. His tractor brought all the necessities to our farm for many years, and still does to this day. You will often see him around the olive trees, checking and making sure they're as strong as can be.
We want to take this opportunity to show that we could not do this without continuous love and support from our family, friends and community. They are always willing to help us, especially during the harvest season. We want each and every one of them know that they are valued and appreciated.
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